- Combination of multi-panel cotton/rayon lined knit elastic joined with strong nylon threads ( meshwork) and strong nylon brush/foam/cotton laminate.
- Contact closure with front pocket.
- 40 permanent magnets, (24 magnets sewn-in to the back and pad of 16 magnets placed in the front pocket).
- 7 inches ( 18 cm ) width.
- Excellent body warmer on a cold day or night.
- Slim-down or figure restoration, especially effective for post-operation and post-delivery abdominal support.
- Gives the stomach area a sense of comfort and firmness.
- Helps blood circulation, relieves muscular pains and tiredness, eases stiff shoulders and lumbago, normalizes blood pressure, and improves metabolism.
- Magnetic physical therapy for both men and women.
- Please consult the physician if pain persists.
- RAYON 30%
- NYLON 20%